Thursday, March 3, 2011


So reading Exodus took me a lot longer than I had anticipated due to real life circumstances getting in the way and taking up my time. That and large sections were so tedious that I found it hard to motivate myself to complete it.

In general exodus covers the "exodus" of the Jews from Egypt and pharaoh. This is where the first bout of tedium set in, which was essentially:

Moses: "Let me people go"
Pharaoh: "no"
Pharaoh: "Ok you can go"
Pharaoh: "No wait I changed my mind"

The only real conclusion to draw from all this is the ruthlessness of Yahweh and bias for certain people over others. Which is a very human concept, and not consistent with an "all loving" God.

The second half of Exodus is related to the Jews traveling and endlessly complaining about it, their faith wavering in God, despite the fact that only a few weeks/months ago the plagues/passover etc happened to free them. Even I, if presented with that evidence would have to conclude the existence of a God that was on my side.

What really struck me about Exodus was the last 10 or so chapters, which were, putting it bluntly, about home furnishings. Starting with God explaining in meticulous detail about the specification for the "tabernacle", then essentially a cut and paste job with "then they build the tabernacle to this specification" for the following five chapters.

This is the most detail I see in ANY religious book, and it is related to curtains...perhaps if a little more attention was paid to giving this detail in other specific elements, I might be a little more swayed by it.

The obvious main point most people take from Exodus is the 10 commandments, but these are almost an afterthought to all the other stuff going on, and no real continued focus is put on them.

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